It may be surprising to learn that an internship can truly put you ahead of many others while applying for colleges. First of all, what is an internship? By definition an internship is “the position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification”, but in reality, it’s much more than that. It’s a way to learn more about a possible field, helps as a way to figure out if said field is the direction to go in, and helps tremendously when applying to colleges. More importantly, it gives you valuable insight and experience you may not be able to get anywhere else.
When talking about internships there are two kinds, either paid or unpaid. As a high schooler, it is extremely rare to find a paid internship. Though possible but rare. Unpaid are much more reasonable and abundant. When looking for internships it’s very important to keep in mind what field you are looking at for your internship. Is it something in law, med, computer science, or even hands-on engineering at a car garage or something that fits your goals better. Once you have finalized what field you want to go into next is about where you look. If you are 16+ you can open up a LinkedIn account which is highly recommended for any 16-year-old because it helps you network with other kids your age and other adults who can help you. Apps like Indeed can also be a great place to find an internship. Besides that, doing your research can help too. Call or email companies in your area if they have any opportunities. Even asking around your school is a great way to find them.
Internships are very important for any student who is serious about their chosen field. This is because internships show responsibility and help you stand out on college applications. Most high school students don’t even have internships, “2% of high school students [have] completed internships.” So, having one helps you really stand out. Even if you don’t plan on going to college, internships give you professional opportunities and even future job offers. All in all, internships are key to a successful career in any field imaginable.
Works Cited
Borst, Heidi. “The Rise of High School Internships.” US News & World Report, U.S. News and World Report L.P., 14 Jan. 2022, Accessed 1 Sept. 2023.
Oxford Languages and Google — English | Oxford Languages. 12 Aug. 2022,