Paying for college is certainly a challenge, but there’s more to it than just entirely relying on loans and scholarships. Personally, I think you’re a really cool person, but unless you’re smart or really good at something, colleges probably don’t care. So, what should you do?
Put in the work now
Getting college credits in high school can really save you thousands of dollars. To learn more you can read our other article, Early College Credit, but in a nutshell if you take the classes now, you don’t have to take them later. Be advised though, if you can’t handle these courses in high school, then it may backfire and hurt your GPA.
Take core classes at community college
You still need to take core classes, most of which could be taken at community colleges, which may not be glamorous, but still a viable option. A good amount of community colleges are starting to go free, or are a lot cheaper compared to a state school. If you have to spend your first one or two years taking all your prerequisite classes at an expensive school, you might as well get it done somewhere else.
Take Advantage of Employer Reimbursement Programs
Many companies have ways of helping employees pay for college as a thanks for your labor. For example, KFC offers scholarships up to $20,000 for four-year or graduate schools. While this is another “scholarship” people often do not consider the fact that their job can pay for their college in more than one way.
Complete Classes During the Summer and Winter Terms
During the summer and winter, classes are generally cheaper because there just aren’t as many people. So if you are willing to put in the extra work during the summer instead of other internships, full-time work, or relax, then taking classes outside the school year is a good option.
The Military
If you really can’t find money despite trying, the military is more than willing to pay for your college. Of course, this option isn’t for everyone, and while being in the military full time isn’t that appealing to some, the national guard allows students to be students and part-time servicemembers. Still, the national guard is by no means a small commitment but still very reasonable for having free college.
Works Cited
College Ave Student Loans. “How to Pay for College: Top 6 Ways to Pay for College.” College Ave, 5 May 2023, www.collegeavestudentloans.com/blog/how-to-pay-for-college.
College Values Online. “30 Creative Ways to Pay for College That Don’t Involve Loans — College Values Online.” College Values Online, 12 May 2023, www.collegevaluesonline.com/features/unique-ways-to-pay-for-college-that-dont-involve-loans/#this-concludes-our-feature-on-how-to-pay-for-college-without-taking-out-loans.
“Scholarships — KFC Foundation.” KFC Foundation, 7 June 2023, https://kfcfoundation.org/scholarships/